
It’s Almost Spring – E-commerce Opportunities

While the huge sales of the winter holiday season are long gone, spring promotions have considerable potential. Think of your customers as emerging from a long period of hibernation and piles of snow. Flowers are just starting to bloom, the weather is finally improving and people are actually leaving their homes voluntarily. Shopping – both online and in-store – is finally more enticing than TV binge watching.

Spring-time and renewal

Spring is the season for rejuvenation. Use that theme to promote your products: For example, if you are a carpentry or building materials retailer, upload DIY videos about various home repair and decorating projects on your social media channels. If you run a gardening center, post a video about ways to upgrade customers’ landscaping and replanting after the winter frosts. If you sell sports clothes and equipment, this is the perfect time to offer specials on products connected to spring sports.

Spring break is a great opportunity for travel to sunny destinations, so online retailers connected to the travel and hospitality industries can offer special deals in advance. Hold a quiz or contest related to travel and give the winner a trip to a warm location. Or ask customers to upload videos about their favorite vacations and offer a prize to the best entry.

Specials on clothing and shoes for warmer weather are a no-brainer, but definitely worthy of mention, too. Even companies selling home appliances or cars can declare a “spring cleaning our inventory” sale and offer special discounts.

Bring on the holiday spirit

The spring months include several popular holidays such as Easter, Passover, Earth Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Use your imagination to tie up some of these holidays to your products. If you sell cooking utensils, make special offers for Passover and Easter. Hold a recipe contest on social media among your buyers and offer a special prize to the winner.

If your niche is arts and crafts, post pictures of decorations customers can make or buy for their holiday tables. You can also offer a prize to the customer who sets up the most impressive homemade decorations on the holiday table.

On Earth Day last year, several large companies offered deals to encourage eco-friendly purchases. Staples rewarded members with a cash discount when recycling unwanted electronic devices. Pokemon GO co-hosted cleanup events with local non-profits at several locations, unlocking in-game rewards as an incentive. Ikea organized a free workshop on how to decorate one’s home with potted plants and other products inspired by nature.

Gifts for Mom and Dad no longer need to be limited to flowers and ties respectively. Millennials love experience gifts for themselves, so why not for the parents? Offer your consumers special deals on concert tickets or wine tasting tours. Create a package that includes a tour of a special site, like a botanical garden, and a festive meal. Offer your millennial the opportunity to create a shared family experience for parents and their children alike.

Apply creative marketing

Apply creativity to your marketing initiatives, whatever the season. Engage your customers in interesting activities, in order to create unique and fun shopping experiences. Inspire fond memories of your brand and encourage ongoing interaction year round.


Image courtesy of Freepik



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