

Confused by Payments and Financial Terms? Want to Understand Online Retail Dynamics? Visit bm2Pay Glossary!!

Is all the terminology used in the payments, finance and retail industries confusing you? Do you have a lot of questions about new developments in e-commerce and fintech? Our payment glossary is a great source for definitions, in-depth information and resources. Take a moment to understand the reasons for shopping...

4 Tips for Secure High-risk Credit Card Processing

When expanding to new markets, most online merchants face a variety of challenges from logistics and legal issues to local taxes and cultural differences. Payments and credit card processing are also key issues that require considerable attention. When scaling to untested locations, businesses often experience inflated processing fees, lower conversion...

How to Succeed in the High-risk Travel Industry

The travel industry is constantly expanding and evolving. However, in an industry defined as high risk, merchants face many challenges from high fraud levels and chargebacks to low acceptance rates and future fufillment models. As a travel service provider's business scales to global markets, so the risks increase. How can...

Online Credit Card Processing for Travel Providers – How to Make it Work

How to succeed in the highly competitive travel sector With the drop in travel costs, individuals who have never left their native country before are off to see the world. Global travel industry gross bookings hit $1.6 trillion in 2017, making it one of the largest and fastest growing industries...