

Your Guide to Basic Terms in the Payments Industry

The payments industry is extremely dynamic, with new types of payments evolving constantly. In order to determine which payment methods are best for your enterprise, you must first understand basic industry business models. In our previous post, we provided an introduction to key terms in the banking industry. This time,...

Your Guide to Basic Terms in the Banking Sector

If you are just starting out as an online or in-store merchant, there is a lot to learn about banking and money transfers, payment methods, cross-border transactions, regulations, local currencies and more.   In this post we will introduce you to some of the terminology used regularly in the banking sector. ...

How Open Banking is Kicking Off New Fintech Initiatives

Much has been said about the disruptive role that fintech companies will play once open banking becomes obligatory throughout the EU, and more widespread in the UK. Fintech pioneers are already offering a wide range of services for different niches and verticals connected to various aspects of banking and finances. What kind...

Confused by Payments and Financial Terms? Want to Understand Online Retail Dynamics? Visit bm2Pay Glossary!!

Is all the terminology used in the payments, finance and retail industries confusing you? Do you have a lot of questions about new developments in e-commerce and fintech? Our payment glossary is a great source for definitions, in-depth information and resources. Take a moment to understand the reasons for shopping...

5 Payment Predictions for 2019

5 Payment Predictions for 2019 The payments industry is highly dynamic and continuously disruptive. There is a common consensus on that. Looking back over the last couple of years, we have witnessed some dramatic developments: Veteran financial institutions are being forced to open their systems and alter their services to...