

Your Guide to Basic Terms in the Payments Industry

The payments industry is extremely dynamic, with new types of payments evolving constantly. In order to determine which payment methods are best for your enterprise, you must first understand basic industry business models. In our previous post, we provided an introduction to key terms in the banking industry. This time,...

Your Guide to Basic Terms in the Banking Sector

If you are just starting out as an online or in-store merchant, there is a lot to learn about banking and money transfers, payment methods, cross-border transactions, regulations, local currencies and more.   In this post we will introduce you to some of the terminology used regularly in the banking sector. ...

How Open Banking is Kicking Off New Fintech Initiatives

Much has been said about the disruptive role that fintech companies will play once open banking becomes obligatory throughout the EU, and more widespread in the UK. Fintech pioneers are already offering a wide range of services for different niches and verticals connected to various aspects of banking and finances. What kind...

How to Hit the Online Sales Motherlode on Singles Day

Singles Day mindsets - a mixed bag Singles Day (November 11), which was first started by Chinese college students in the 1990s, is the antithesis of Valentine’s Day. It is a day dedicated to the celebration of singledom. Some singles have developed various rituals to mark the day including gifting...

Start the Countdown for Your 2019/2020 Holiday Season Campaign

Yes, it’s still hot and sticky in many places, but it’s already time to start planning your marketing strategy for the 2019/2020 winter holiday season. How can you plan an e-commerce campaign that will make you stand out and attract both new and veteran shoppers to your brand?  Review last...

The Inevitable Rise of Contactless Payments

Investopedia defines contactless payments as a secure method for consumers to purchase products or services via debit, credit or smartcards (also known as chip cards), by using RFID technology or near-field communication (NFC). When making a contactless payment, the user taps their card near a point-of-sale terminal. This type of...

Happy Holidays for Retailers and Customers

Holidays are the best times to arouse interest in your products, lure in purchasers, and make special offers. But why wait for major holidays to attract customers? Here are several upcoming holidays that intrepid retailers can use to attract new customers and reconnect with return buyers: August 26 - National...

Will Cryptocurrencies Replace Conventional Currencies?

Techopedia defines cryptocurrency as a type of digital currency that uses cryptography for security and anti-counterfeiting measures. Public and private keys are often used to transfer cryptocurrency between individuals.  As opposed to fiat currency, cryptocurrency is not connected to governments or central banks. Using a ledger system, cryptocurrency transactions are...

Are You Ready for the Final Stage of PSD2?

PSD2 in a nutshell PSD2 (Revised Payment Service Directive) is a directive issued by the European Commission in order to fortify customer rights, facilitate competition in banking, and increase Internet payment safety via SCA (Strong Customer Authentication). The original European payment services directive came into force in 2007. The PSD2...